Minnikhanov R.N., Editor in Chief, Doctor of Engineering, Professor, Director of the GBU "Road safety" (AuthorID: 384158);
Akhmadieva R.Sh., Deputy of the Editor in Chief, Doctor of Education, Director of the SBI "Scientific Center for Life Safety" (AuthorID: 795087);
Abdullin A.L., Doctor of Engineering, Professor, Vice-President of the Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Tatarstan, Corresponding Member, Department Chairman "Auto Engine and Consumer Service" KSTU named after A.N. Tupolev (AuthorID: 143533);
Abdullajanov A.R., Candidate of Social Science, General Director of NP "Federation of driving schools of the Republic of Tatarstan" (Personal page);
Aliullov R.R., Doctor of Juridical Science., Professor, head of the Department of administrative law, administrative activities and management of Department of internal Affairs of Kazan Juridical Institute of the MIA of Russia (AuthorID: 797915);
Anikina N. S., Candidate of Pedagogic Sciences, leading researcher of the SBI "Scientific center for life safety" (AuthorID: 614469);
Bulatov S.A., MD, head of the Department of simulation methods of education in medicine of Kazan State Medical University (AuthorID: 982352);
Voronina E.E., Candidate of Pedagogic Sciences, Deputy Director of SBI "Scientific Center for Life Safety" (AuthorID: 932332);
Zzhankaziev S. V., Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, head of the Department "Organization and traffic safety" (AuthorID: 320748);
Dmitriev A.A., Doctor of Pedagogic Sciences, Professor, Dean of the faculty of special pedagogy and psychology MGOU (AuthorID: 72894);
Zakirova V.G., Doctor of Pedagogic Sciences, Professor, Educational Activities Deputy Director of Pedagogics and Psychology Institute of Kazan Federal University (AuthorID: 324549);
Ibragimov G.I., Doctor of Pedagogic Sciences, Professor, Engineering pedagogy and Psychology Department of Kazan National Research Technological University (AuthorID: 531796);
Ignashina E.G., PhD, head of the Department of Organization of Medical care for children and obstetric care of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Tatarstan (AuthorID: 330631);
Kapitanov V. T., doctor of technical Sciences, Professor, Honored worker of science of the Russian Federation, leading researcher of MADI research works Department (AuthorID: 691216);
Mauro V., Professor at the University of Turin (Italy), leading international expert in the field of modern traffic management systems, founder of the National Association TTS Italia (Associazione Nazionale per la Telematica per I Trasporti e la Sicurezza) (Publication);
Minzaripov R.G., Doctor of Social Sciences, Professor, first Vice-rector, head of the Department of Sociology of Kazan (Volga region) Federal University, honorary worker of higher professional education of the Russian Federation (AuthorID: 537287);
Mustafin D.M., Candidate of Pedagogic Sciences, head of the Department for implementation of national policy of the Department of internal policy of the President of the Republic of Tatarstan (Personal page);
Nigmatov Z.G., honoured academic figure of the Russian Federation, Doctor of Pedagogic Sciences, Professor (AuthorID: 395206);
Ramazanov R. V., Candidate in Engineering Science, Chief Deputy of State Inspector of Road Safety of the Republic of Tatarstan (Contact details);
Rozental S.G., Candidate in Biology Science, Associate Professor of the Department of human and animal physiology of the Institute of fundamental medicine and biology of Kazan (Volga region) Federal University (AuthorID: 86893);
Safiullin N.Z., Doctor of Engineering Science, Doctor of Economics, professor of Kazan Federal University (AuthorID: 430503);
Svyatova N.V., Candidate in Biology Science, associate Professor, head of the Department of General subjects of the Russian State University of Justice (Kazan branch) (AuthorID: 117524);
Silyanov V. V., doctor of technical Sciences, Professor, Honored worker of science and technology of the RSFSR, scientific Director of the Problem laboratory of organization and traffic safety of MADI (AuthorID: 702068);
Surzhko N.V., Deputy Minister of Civil Defence, Emergencies of the Republic of Tatarstan (Personal page);
Talan M.V., Doctor of Juridical Science., Professor, head of the Department "Criminal law" of Kazan Federal University (AuthorID: 447692);
Shaydullin I.Ya., Candidate of Pedagogic Sciences, Associate Professor, Rector of the Interregional Institute of advanced training of specialists of professional education (Website MIPKSPO);
Shigin L.B., Candidate in Engineering Science, Deputy Director of SBI "Scientific Center for Life Safety" (AuthorID: 1011471);
Galieva S.G., Executive Secretary (Site NCBGD).