Since 2009, the State Budgetary Institution "Scientific Center for Life Safety" publishes a peer-reviewed scientific, methodological and information journal «Vestnik NTsBZhD», dedicated to problems of life safety.
Since 2017 its publications have been included in the List of peer-reviewed scientific journals of the Higher Attestation Commission, which publishes the main scientific results of dissertations for obtaining degree of Candidate of Science and Doctor of Science in the following groups of scientific majors and branches of science:
05.11.00 Instrument Engineering, Metrology and Information Measuring Instruments and Systems
05.26.00 Security of human activity
13.00.00 Pedagogical sciences
The journal is included in the system of the Russian Science Citation Index (RISC). The full-text electronic version of the journal is copied and indexed at the website of the Scientific Electronic Library at eLIBRARY.RU.
Registration: The journal is registered by the Federal Service for Supervision in the Field of Communications, Information Technology and Mass Communications.
Certificate of registration of PI No. FS77-56192 dated November 15, 2013
ISSN: 2075-4957.
Periodicity: 4 issues per year.
Circulation: 500 copies.
Subscription index in the Rospechat catalog: 84461.
The magazine is a platform where experts can share knowledge and experience, ask questions and raise problems, develop new approaches, methods and means of solving human life safety issues. It publishes articles on life safety, research results in this field, the experience of Tatarstan, Russia and foreign countries; it also shares teaching materials, information about conferences, bibliographic and critical reviews, regulatory documents etc.
The magazine provides free, permanent full-text access to all published materials (section "Editions archive"). The readers gain rights of unlimited use of works, subject to indication of authorship. Free open access to research results contributes to increased global knowledge sharing.
The editorial board confirms the adherence to the “Ethical rules relating to publications in journals and their reviews”. All articles published in the journal are tested for the uniqueness of the material and the amount of borrowings in the “Antiplagiat” automated checking system. In case of multiple borrowings, the editorial board acts in accordance with the rules of the Committee on the Ethics of Scientific Publications (COPE -